Verizon and Google are reportedly working together on a tablet device designed to rival Apple’s iPad. Although few details were provided, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam told the Wall Street Journal the device would leverage Google’s large library of content.
“We’re looking at all the things Google has in its archives that we could put on a tablet to make it a great experience,” McAdam told the newspaper. While Google’s Android was not mentioned, Verizon has heavily used the cell phone operating system to compete with Apple’s iPhone. In a similar vein, the Verizon executive admitted the carrier is behind rival AT&T in providing U.S. 3G coverage for the iPad, but said his company will have the majority of its 4G network up by the end of 2010. 

The CEO’s comments come amid speculation Verizon’s CDMA network could gain access to a new iPhone later this year. Verizon’s long-time advertising company reportedly is developing a campaign possibly in preparation of the release of Apple’s fourth-generation iPhone.

El principal operador de telefonía móvil en Estados Unidos trabaja, junto a Google, en un Tablet PC que funcionará con el sistema operativo Android.
Verizon Wireless y Google confirman que están inmersos en un proyecto conjunto para lanzar al mercado un nuevo tablet. Tras el éxito del iPad, nuevos fabricantes quieren sumarse al carro y hacer competencia al dispositivo de Apple.
Ninguna de las dos compañías ha revelado quién será el fabricante ni en qué fecha se lanzará el producto. Pero sí parece claro que Google renovará su sistema operativo para adaptarlo a las capacidades de un tablet.
Por el momento, Android para smartphone incluye servicios web como YouTube, Google Maps y otras aplicaciones. El gigante de las búsquedas de Internet, sin embargo, ha adquirido recientemente dos empresas, Agnilux y Bump Technologies, con vistas al desarrollo de un Tablet PC.