Yes Beer is Healthy

Posted by wyneman under
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

Benjamin Franklin said it; it must be true! 

Drinking beer in moderation can actually benefit your health. Don’t believe me? In Egypt beer has been used as a remedy for over 100 illnesses (okay maybe that was in 1600 B.C., but nonetheless- fascinating!). Presently speaking, how can beer be good for you? Oh, let me count the ways:

  1. Beer is a source of B-complex vitamins. These vitamins contribute to a healthy nervous system, proper digestion, our body’s production of energy, and healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin B-complex also helps to improve and stabilize moods.
  2. Beer is fat free and cholesterol free. Also, the average beer contains only 150 calories and is caffeine free.
  3. Beer can reduce stress. This one should come as no surprise but alcohol has been shown to reduce stress through its relaxing effects on the body and through the social environment that often accompanies drinking the beverage.
  4. Beer can help you sleep better. Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, both found in beer, are known to promote sleep. Also one of the main ingredients in beer, hops, has been used for centuries as a sedative and has even been used to cure insomnia.
  5. Beer improves blood circulation and can help prevent heart disease. Beer increases HDL, high-density lipoprotein (a.k.a. the “good cholesterol”), which reduces blood clotting.  Studies have been done on this and have found that cardiovascular patients who had one beer a day lived longer.
  6. Beer is a good source of fiber. One liter of beer can provide up 60% of our daily recommended  fiber thanks to the malted barely it contains.
  7. Drinking beer can improve bone density. Who needs milk? Beer contains silicon which has been known to benefit bone health. This is especially true for men. A study has shown that men who drink 1-2 beers a day were able to increase their bone mineral density up to 7%. This has also been found to be true with other alcoholic beverages (especially wine- which can have the same effect on women).
  8. Beer can help battle cancer. Recent research has been done to prove that the bioactive compounds in beer can help battle cancer.
  9. Beer can speed up a metabolism. Recent research has been done to prove this as well. And again, it has to do with the bioactive compounds that are found in beer.
  10. Beer can help with brain function. A study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research has shown that men and women who drink alcohol in moderation can lower their risk of “mental impairment” by 40%.
There you have it, 10 ways to justify your beer consumption. There are actually many more ways beer can benefit your health and if you know of any, feel free to add to this list by writing them below!

For example, It’s fairly common knowledge that beer (or lager, or ale, or stout!) has a relaxing effect on the body and can reduce stress, but there are a myriad of other health benefits of this potent potable that are probably not as apparent during your local happy hour. There have never been better reasons to enjoy a cold beer.

Cheers to beer: Amazing benefits!

source college Jolt